Aim of the Sudan Study Group
Members Presentations
Our latest meeting is now available to view on the website as both a PDF and as a YouTube video. Please go to ‘Online Presentations’ under the members section to see details.
Digital Archive
A Surprised Life Member!
Congratulations Paul! Out of the blue, at his local Stamp Club meeting, SSG Life Member, Paul Grigg received his Life Membership Certificate! He attended the Thornbury Philatelic Society meeting on the 20th October 2023, at which the SSG President, Dr Gwynne Harries FRPSL happened to be giving a presentation…
Zoom meeting on YouTube
please go to our YouTube link to see the latest zoom video meeting. Please like and subscribe for the occasional presentations
SIMPLY SUDAN – Postal Auction #5
Just to let everyone know, the latest postal auction is now available on the website under the members section. There is a detailed catalogue which includes a bidding form as well as images of all the lots. I hoe you find something of interest. Gwynne
Postal Agency Cancellers
We have a new booklet available on the publications page. It is a postmark project being compiled by Richard Stock. Head over to the Publications section and download your free copy now.
Call for submissions – SSG Auction 71
This is the notice for submissions to the next (Spring) SSG Auction, our 71st, which will be held live (but with advance postal bids accepted) at the Annual Conference at Morley Hayes in Derby on 16 April 2023. Those wishing to submit items for the auction are invited to submit information…
Royal Philatelic Society London – Zoom Meetings
Like ourselves with our fairly regular Zoom meetings, the Royal Philatelic Society London also has monthly Zoom meetings, (usually the first Tuesday of the month at 3 PM London time). They are free to view by both members and non-members both in the UK and overseas. They are obviously of…
Auction 69 Report
Produced in early December I’ve only just got round to publishing Jacke’s report. Find it on the members section of the website. Happy New Year.
This 1990 publication is now available to vies and download for members and includes the supplement!