
In more usual times the SSG used to hold a London meeting each year, in April or October. We hope that these resume again at some point soon. However, we do hold regular members ZOOM meetings alternate months, presentations from which are available in the members section of this website.

Face to face meetings are informal and usually start at 1.30 pm. with displays by members on a set theme or topic. It is a good opportunity to discuss the material displayed and ask questions about any aspect of Sudan stamps and postal history. Non members are most welcome at a meeting if they are interested in joining. Our online meetings have varied start times so as to accommodate members from overseas. Watch out for forthcoming dates.

Meetings are usually preceded by a Committee Meeting.

Meetings are held at various locations

Future Meetings

The next meeting will be announced shortly. Please visit Members notices and news for the latest information on meetings.

Conference 2025

A highlight of the Group’s activities is the conference which, will again be held by invitation with members of the Egyptian Study Circle.  It will again be held at our preferred venue in Derbyshire at the Morley Hayes Hotel and we hope you will be able to join us when the green light is given. the provisional dates are: 25 to 27 April 2025. A booking form will be available here shortly.

Conference gives members and guests the opportunity to participate in looking at a specific study topic, to view and discuss displays by leading Sudan philatelists and postal historians, display items from their own collections, take part in a competition, live auction, bourse and exchange information during a residential weekend. Importantly, the Conference provides much information for future articles in the Camel Post.

If you have any ideas or subjects that you would like to see being discussed or presented at the weekend throw into the pot please contact:

Richard Stock –  

Members enjoy some of the presentations at the 2023 Conference

Images to follow soon

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