Conference 2024

Conference 2024

SSG & ESC Conference 19th – 21st April, 2024 at the

Morley Hayes Hotel, Morley, Derbyshire, DE7 6DG.















The programme has now been finalised and a copy can be downloaded by clicking on the link below:

Conference Programme



The programme includes:




  • Early mail (the Egyptian period and Egyptian Territorial Post Offices),
  • Egyptian and Sudanese postcards,
  • An update on forgeries and dubious material,
  • The Sudan 1962 pictorial definitive issue,
  • Members displays of their choice.




We will also be enjoying the first of what we hope will be an annual event, The Maj. ECW Stagg Lecture.

This item will also be presented live via zoom so all members can enjoy the event. Details of how to log in will be sent to members nearer the time. The Lecture is entitled:




‘Stamps, Archaeology and the Creation of Sudanese Identity’

 Dr. Julie Anderson


Please let Richard Stock have your completed booking forms ASAP (closing date 26 January 2024) and he will reserve a place.  If you have already indicated your intention to attend then a booking has provisionally been reserved. However, Richard will still need your completed booking form.


Booking Form:  Please click here.


Please return your booking form to:    


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